
Leading Well from Within

Are you a high-performing executive, entrepreneur, healthcare provider, or professional secretly overwhelmed by stress or burnout? Are you seeking inspiration, purpose, and meaning in your life? Are you looking to gain an edge in your leadership performance?

The solution is not just trying harder, or even trying to eliminate all the stress in your life. It’s increasing your awareness and inner resources—including leveraging stress as an asset—to achieve the outcomes that matter most. In other words, it’s to become a Conscious Leader. In Leading Well from Within, Dr. Daniel Friedland shares the compelling evidence and neuroscience behind what makes Conscious Leadership so effective and how you can cultivate it through the practice of mindfulness. Then, building on this solid foundation, you’ll discover the 4 in 4 Framework™ — a proven, four-step process to help you.

Packed with real-life stories, tools, and practices, Leading Well from Within is your complete guidebook to flourishing in your life and multiplying your positive impact in your business, organization, family, community, and the world!