
The Progress Principle: Lifelong Learning as a Business Leader

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I’m sure you already know this, but implementing the principles of Conscious Capitalism isn’t always easy. Even At Conscious Capitalism, Inc. – the organization dedicated to growing the movement – we need to be intentional about the way we grow and develop our values and culture. For example, we have a set of 12 Leadership Principles designed to highlight and support our values as an organization and also to build our own Conscious Culture. We hold monthly Leadership Principles Workshops where we dive deep into each principle and present a tool or framework to support us in bringing that principle to life. But one workshop a month isn’t the answer to Conscious Culture; it’s just one small step toward it. There are many, many other steps we endeavor to take to build our Conscious Culture and we don’t always get it right. Because Conscious Culture, like all the principles of Conscious Capitalism, is an ongoing challenge. If you hope to achieve your goals, it will require a long-term commitment to progress, not perfection.

This progress principle [1] – the evidence-based notion that of all the positive events that influence inner work life, the single most powerful is progress in meaningful work – may be one of the quintessential frameworks or mindsets a Conscious Capitalist can take as they work to apply these principles. It’s the little steps we take to move the dial just a tiny bit, the small wins that slowly accumulate into success, that keep conscious leaders going when times get tough. Sometimes things will go right, and sometimes things will go wrong; it’s progress – not perfection – that counts in the end.

While the progress principle can be a useful guide to keep business leaders engaged in the practice of Conscious Capitalism, it’s not usually sufficient for progress; you will need specific tools and resources to support you along the way. We’ve created a number of offerings to meet you, wherever you are, on the Conscious Capitalist journey. Here’s a list of some offerings that might support you in progressing toward your most meaningful work:

Conscious Capitalism Conferences

Conscious Capitalism events, like the Annual Conference, give participants access to some of the world’s most inspirational Conscious Capitalists, but our conferences are about more than phenomenal speakers. They are customized to meet your need for inspiration, community, and learning in the company of like-minded business leaders.

Whether you are looking for a tool, an experience, or an opportunity to connect in community with like-minded business leaders, we seek to support you in your practice of Conscious Capitalism. Please reach out to us at for more information about our offerings and how you can level-up your practice and progress toward your highest goals.

Site Visits

Site Visits give conscious business leaders practical insight into the “how” of Conscious Capitalism. Participants get exclusive access to an exceptional company that has applied Conscious Capitalism principles and best practices that not only improved purpose and profit, but dramatically transformed the company, the community, or both. Designed to inspire, challenge, inform, and equip leaders with the tools they need to enact the transformational change they are seeking in their own companies, Site Visits are a high-impact opportunity to engage with a company about the “how”, learn from other participants and thought-leaders via facilitated conversations and Mastermind experiences, and return to your company with unique and actionable insights that have the potential for real-world impact.


Masterminds are designed to give participants a curated and immersive experience into the heart of Conscious Capitalism principles. With the support of a gifted facilitator, these experiences are a unique opportunity to retreat to a rejuvenating and inspirational space where you can dive into the heart of Conscious Capitalism principles in community with other business leaders looking to uncover new ways of tackling old problems.

[1] Amabile and Kramer