
Notes from the 2021 CCI Team Retreat

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Pictured above L to R: Hunter, Abby, Michael, Anna, Makayla, Quennie, Christina H., Emily, Melissa, Kim, Alexander, and Clark. (Not pictured: Christina J. and Maria)

The Conscious Capitalism, Inc. team is a fully distributed workforce, with every team member residing in a different U.S. city or town. We’re a nimble group of 14 conscious leaders, each working to elevate humanity through business full-time by putting our individual skills and expertise to work for the movement.

While we thrive in our remote environment, we also jump at the opportunity to convene in person from time-to-time to generate the energy, ideas, and connections that can only be created through face-to-face collaboration. We had the opportunity to do just that at our team retreat from October 1-3, 2021, just prior to the 2021 CEO Summit. 

Ben Richter –Senior Leader Network member, Conscious Capitalist, and CEO & Founder of Bradford Airport Logistics– generously hosted the team at his beautiful Bar None Ranch in Blanco, Texas. We can not adequately express our gratitude to Ben and his wife MacKenzie for opening up their home and their hearts and going above and beyond to make the retreat a truly memorable experience. 

Ben not only hosted, he also led us in a bit of team building and soul searching by asking us to contemplate our individual legacies. We did this by standing ankle-deep in the Blanco River to write and then read our own eulogies. At some point mother nature decided it would be more dramatic if it also rained while we read, leaving us physically damp but spiritually brighter and more connected to our team mates through the shared experience. 

The man of the (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) hour was truly our chef Scott and his assistant Miles. They kept us fed, happy, and laughing the entire weekend with their amazing meals. And thank you to Pauline and Justin of the Bar None Ranch team for keeping everything running so smoothly.

There were also some special guests over the three days including live performances by Gunnar Latham on the second night at the ranch and Jon Stork and Cameran Nelson on the final night. The team was also treated to a presentation from Dan Garrison from Garrison Brothers Distillery for a lesson in how he’s brought Conscious Capitalism principles to his business.

Throughout the weekend we also benefited from the many talents of our team members, including mindful yoga practice led by CCI’s very own yogi Emily and personalized gifts of handmade pottery for every team member from Quennie. (We’re all holding the pottery Quennie made and gifted in the team photo at the top of this article.) Quennie also gifted several pieces of her pottery to Ben and MacKenzie to thank them for hosting. Abby made a gift of one of her handmade weavings which immediately looked at home at ranch.

We did, of course, spend time in collaborative and one-one-one work sessions to take full advantage of our time together. You’ll see the results of that work in the energy, joy, and focus we bring to the Conscious Capitalism movement in the coming months and year.